Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stages of Labour

Usually 3 stages are described

Stage 1
It starts with the onset of labour pains and ends with the full dilatation of the cervix.
This stage lasts for 12 hrs in primigravidae and 6 hours in multiparae.

Stage 2
It is furhter divided into 2 phases.
  1. Propulsive phase - starts from cervix dilatation upto the descent of the presenting part into the pelvic floor.
  2. Expulsive phase - It ends with the delivery of the baby.
This stage lasts for 2 hrs in primigravidae and 30 mins in multiparae.

Stage 3
This involves the expulsion of the placenta and all the membranes.
This stage lasts for about 15 mins.

Stage 4
This stage of observation  lasts for about 1 hour after stage 3. During this stage, the general condition of the patient and the behaviour of the uterus are to be carefully watched.

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