Sunday, September 7, 2008

Atrophic Rhinitis

It is a chronic inflammation of nose characterized by atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
Typically seen in females nearing puberty.

  1. Hereditary
  2. Racial (more in whites)
  3. Endocrinal disturbances (oestrogen)
  4. Nutritional deficiency.
  5. Infections
  6. Auto-immune
Squamous metaplasia in the mucosa, atrophy of seromucinous glands, venous blood sinusoids and neve elements, obliterative endarteritis. Turbinates undergo resorption. Paranasal sinuses are small due to arrested development.

Clinical features:
  1. Anosmia
  2. Degenerative changes
  3. Nasal obstruction
  4. Epistaxis
  5. Greenish/greyish black dry crusts
  6. Typically, the posterior wall of the nasopharynx can be visualised.
  7. Nose may show saddle deformity

No definitive treatment is available for this condition. The following measures are tried to provide releif to the patient.

  1. Nasal irrigation and removal of crusts (alkaline solution)
  2. 25% glucose in glycerine
  3. Local antibiotics
  4. Oestradiol spray
  5. Placental extract
  6. Potassium iodide (oral)
  1. Young's / Modified Young's operation - it involves the complete or partial closure of both the nostrils, to be opened after 6 months. This allows the turbinates and the mucosa to grow.
  2. Narrowing the nasal cavities - this is done by injection of teflon paste or insertion of fat/cartilage/bone/teflon strips under the mucoperiostium.

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