Sunday, September 7, 2008

Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)

  1. Trauma : usually in childhood, may even be during delivery.
  2. Developmental
  3. Hereditary
  4. Racial predisposition
  1. Anterior dislocation.
  2. C-shaped
  3. S-shaped
  4. Spur
  5. Septal thickening.
Clinical Features:
  1. Nasal obstruction (more if high deviation)
  2. Headache
  3. Sinusitis
  4. Epistaxis
  5. Anosmia (partial of complete)
  6. External deformity.
  7. Middle ear infection.
Surgical treatment is adviced if nasal obstruction is complete, total anosmia is present and in  cosmetic indications.
2 types
  1. SMR (Sub-mucosal Resection) operation: Not done anymore because of the numerous complications involved and now with the availability of better options.
  2. Septoplasty: (treatment of choice) The mucoperichondrial flap of one side is elevated after giving a modified Killian's incision. The defect in the cartilage &/or bone is removed. This surgery can be combined with a rhinoplasy if necessary.
Advantages of Septoplasty:
  1. Conservative operation.
  2. Can be done in children.
  3. Can be combined with rhinoplasty.
  4. Revision possible in case of recurrance/unsatisfactory results.
  5. Less complications.

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