Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chronic Pharyngitis

It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pharynx characterised by hypertrophy of the mucosa, seromucinous glands and sub epithilial lymphoid follicles.
2 types
  1. Chronic catarrhal pharyngitis
  2. Chronic hypertrophic (granular) pharyngitis
  1. Prolonged/Repeated infections
  2. Mouth breathing (due to any reason)
  3. Chronic irritants (Eg. tobbacco chewing, ciggarettes etc)
  4. Faulty voice production.
  5. Environmental pollution.
Clinical Features
  1. Pain in throat
  2. Foriegn body sensation in throat
  3. Tiredness of voice
  4. Cough
  1. Congestion of posterior pharyngeal wall, which may have red nodules. (Chronic hypertrophic/granular pharyngitis)
  2. Hypertrophy of lateral pharyngeal bands.
  3. Increased mucous secretions may cover the mucosa.
  1. Identification of cause and its correction.
  2. Warm saline gargles.
  3. Mandl's throat paint is useful in preventing secondary infections.
  4. Cautery of lymphoid granules.

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