Sunday, August 31, 2008

Eisenmenger's Syndrome


It is predominantly right-to-left shunt or reversal of left-to-right shunt, which usually resuts from severe pulmonary vascular obstruction.

1. Stroke
2. Hemoptysis
3. Hyperviscosity
4. Hemostatic abnormalities.
5. Thrombocytopenia
6. Prolonged bleeding, prothrombin or partial thromboplastin times.
7. Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors deficiencies.
8. Abnormal fibrinolysis.
9. Cholelithiasis
10. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
11. Hyperuricemia and goutrenal dysfunction.
12. Sudden death.

Clinical Features:
Symptoms : dyspnea on exertion, chest pain, syncope, hemoptysis, angina.
Signs : cyanosis (constant or exercise), ascites, pedal edema, clubbing.

1. Blood tests :
a) 100% O2 does not correct arterial desaturation.
b) polycythemia (Hb > 20 g/dl common)
2. Imaging studies : echocardiography, Doppler, hemogram, catheterization
ECG shows right ventricular hypertrophy changes.

Surgery is indicated if medical treatment does not improve the oxygen saturation levels.
Phlebotomy may be necessary.

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