Monday, July 14, 2008

Myositis Ossificans


  • Nonhereditary Myositis Ossificans

  • Myositis Ossificans Progressiva

Clinical Features:

Myositis ossificans usually presents with pain, tenderness, focal swelling, and joint muscle reduction, in the aftermath of a painful muscle contusion which resolved more slowly than expected, if at all.
The condition rarely is asymptomatic, and may sometimes be diagnosed from radiographs obtained for unrelated problems.
Most (i.e. 80%) ossifications arise in the thigh or arm, and are caused by a premature return to activity after an injury. Other sites include intercostal spaces, erector spinae, pectoralis muscles, glutei, and the chest. Hazy densities are sometimes noted ca. one month after injury, while the denser opacities eventually seen may not be apparent until two months have passed


Treatment is initially conservative, as some patients' calcifications will spontaneously be reabsorbed, and others will have minimal symptoms. In occasional cases, surgical debridement of the abnormal tissue is required, although success of such therapy is limited.

Radiograph of both feet

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