Monday, February 10, 2014

Radiation Terrorism Part 2

Types of Contamination
It can be of 3 types
  • Whole body exposure
  • External
  • Internal
  1. Whole body exposure
    • Gamma rays, x-rays and neutrons which can penetrate through the body and cause severe tissue damage.
  2. External contamination
    • Effects body surface, clothing, skin, and hair.
    • This is the main thing to be concerned about in a radioactive terrorist strike.
    • These consist mainly of alpha and beta radiation.
    • Alpha particles cause surface burns only.
    • Beta particles can cause cutaneous burns and scarring.
More on Internal contamination in my next post. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Radiation Terrorism Part 1

Types of Radio-isotopic Radiation

4 main types viz.

  • alpha
  • beta
  • gamma
  • neutrons.

  1. Alpha radiation - 
    • These are positively charged particles, with 2 protons and 2 neutrons.  
    • Large particles, so they have limited penetrating power.
    • If internalized, they can cause significant cellular damage.
  2. Beta radiation - 
    • Negatively charged particles consisting of electrons.
    • Penetrating power depends on their energy.
    • A good example is radioactive iodine released in nuclear plant accidents.
    • They can cause a burn (similar to a thermal burn and is treated as such)
  3. Gamma rays and x-rays (both photons) - 
    • Gamma rays are uncharged electromagnetic radiation discharged from a nucleus as a wave or photons of energy.
    • X-rays are the product of abrupt mechanical deceleration of electrons striking a heavy target such as tungsten.
    • Both travel easily through matter, high penetrating power.
  4. Neutron particles - 
    • These are heavy and uncharged, often emitted during nuclear detonation.
    • Ability to penetrate tissues is variable, depending on their energy.